
  • Accountancy
  • Consultancy
  • Data Analytics
  • Digital Technology
  • FInancial Services
  • Information Technology (IT)
  • Public Sector

Number of employees:

  • Worldwide: 16.000
  • NL: 8000

Location in The Netherlands:

  • The Hague (Head Office), Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Zwolle, Arnhem, Nieuwegein

Operates in the following countries:

  • 11; The Netherlands, Belgium, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Japan, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and Turkey



Information marketYes
One-on-one conversationsNo

Nationale Nederlanden

At NN, our purpose is to help people care for what matters most to them. We put our resources, expertise, and networks to use for the well-being of our customers, the advancement of our communities, the preservation of our planet, and for the promotion of a stable, inclusive, and sustainable economy.

The world in which we live may change, but what really matters to people remains the same. Family, friends, love, health, home and work. Work is an important part of life. But you are more than just a colleague and that is something we understand very well at NN. Developing skills and competencies is not just the preserve of the world of work. You take something from all your roles in life. That is what makes everyone different. At NN we believe that differences are what make us better and that by bringing a set of unique talents and perspectives to the table, you contribute to what really matters. It is no coincidence that ‘You matter’ is our promise to you. You matter, in all the roles you play because what is important to you is also important to us.

Working opportunities

An internship that matters

An internship is an excellent opportunity to discover what matters most in your future career and in your personal development. If you are looking for a challenging internship in a diverse organization that puts people at the heart of what it does, NN offers opportunities for work experience or graduate internships where you are treated as a full member of the team. We have regular internships at senior secondary vocational education level (mbo), higher professional education level (hbo) and university level (wo) in various business units, such as IT, marketing, HR, Finance, Risk, Investments or a secretarial or administrative internship.

NN Group Traineeship – our future leaders

At NN, we help people care for what matters most to them. We do this by offering personal and relevant financial services. As a trainee at NN, you will contribute to this and help our company move forward in becoming ever more relevant to our customers. Your ideas matter because we are on the lookout for real future leaders.