
  • Biology & Life Sciences
  • Public Sector

Number of employees in The Netherlands:

  • 600

Location in The Netherlands:

  • The Hague



Information marketYes
One-on-one conversationsNo


Who we are and what we do

Innovation in health, healthcare and well-being concerns healthy living, disease prevention, new treatments and drugs, and the right care at the right place. Our health is also increasingly interwoven with broader societal challenges.

To answer these questions, we need knowledge and scientific research across the full breadth of the knowledge chain, from fundamental research to implementation projects. That requires close collaboration across disciplines and making available project data and results accessible.

By detecting knowledge gaps, facilitating knowledge development and encouraging the use of this knowledge in practice, we continue to respond to the changing world around us. We increase the relevance, quality and impact of research and accelerate breakthroughs to make good health accessible for all.

Working opportunities
The core activities of ZonMw

To realise this added  value, we focus on 3 core activities:

We programme and fund research and innovation in health, healthcare and well-being

Together with our contractors and stakeholders, we determine which knowledge and activities are needed, design a programme for these and fund the development of that knowledge. For this, we bring together people from different disciplines and fields of practice.

We encourage impact 

We inspire innovation and take the lead in the field of implementation. We examine which knowledge is needed, and we help to implement that knowledge in practice to ensure that the outcomes of programmes and projects are actually used.

We define the areas where knowledge is needed 

Our position enables us to identify areas where there is a need for more knowledge. Together with researchers, contractors, professional practitioners, educational organisations and citizens, we draw attention to these knowledge needs.
The outcome: together, we ensure that knowledge has a greater impact in improving health, healthcare and well-being for all. We always do this with our core values in mind: meticulous, accessible, proactive and, of course, connecting. Because we can only contribute to a world in which good health is available for all if we work together.