
  • Accountancy
  • Biology & Life Sciences
  • Chemistry & Chemical Engineering
  • Consultancy
  • Data Analytics
  • Digital Technology
  • Financial Services
  • Information Technology
  • Public Sector
  • Transport & Logistics

Number of employees:

  • The Netherlands: 2000

Location in The Netherlands:

  • The Hague
  • Heerlen



Information marketYes
One-on-one conversationsNo

Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek

Society wants to quickly know what is happening in the world around us based on figures. Statistics Netherlands provides relevant and independent figures on various social topics. These changes require a high degree of flexibility from CBS, and our colleagues work hard to achieve this every day. Whether it concerns climate change, sustainability, housing challenges or poverty: we respond to the need to provide transparent and accessible information. In a society in which information is increasing explosively, having free access to reliable and comprehensive data is crucial. As the statistical agency in the Netherlands, CBS provides insight into social issues with reliable statistical information and data. CBS thus fuels social debate, policy development and decision-making and thus contributes to prosperity, well-being and democracy.

Career opportunities

CBS is an open, transparent organization that provides society with relevant and independent figures on social issues such as climate, sustainability and poverty.
We look at “what actually happens”.
We work with craftsmanship to create a dynamic organization that is prepared for the future. Everyone is welcome at CBS. We want talents to be of value in an environment where you can be yourself. After all, diversity brings new insights, knowledge and vision into the organization. People with diverse backgrounds work closely together. You will find economists and software engineers, mathematicians, physicists, sociologists, health scientists, biologists, physicians, chemists and psychologists and more.
As a CBS employee you are an expert and you have a role in collecting, analyzing and reporting data. In this way, your work fuels social debate, policy development and decision-making and contributes to prosperity, well-being and democracy. CBS is constantly developing and offers space for your ideas and your knowledge!
Are you ready to work or intern at CBS?


Content of the workshop:

Join us at the CBS (Statistics Netherlands) workshop during the upcoming career fair to dive deep into the fascinating world of statistics and data analysis. This interactive session is an excellent opportunity to engage directly with experts from CBS, the national statistical agency of the Netherlands, renowned for its rigorous and innovative approach to data.

In this workshop, you’ll explore how CBS collects, processes, and analyzes data to inform policy making and provide a clear picture of societal trends. You’ll see firsthand how statistical tools and methodologies are applied in real-world scenarios, helping to shape decisions that affect the nation.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to network with professionals from CBS, learn about the impact of statistics in public and private sectors, and discover potential career paths in the field of data science and analysis. This workshop is perfect for anyone interested in the power of data to drive change and improve insights. Be prepared to leave with new skills, ideas, and inspiration to pursue a career in statistics!

Language of the workshop:


Prerequisites participants have to satisfy:

Own laptop